Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Your safety is too expensive...

When are people going to realize that safety is an illusion?

The latest "breach" of airport security is a classic example. Sadly, we knew about this guy, he was also on a watch list, and he was still able to slip on board an international flight with his happy sack full of explosives.

Many people simply feel that extra airport scrutiny will make them safer. This incident is an example that it does not. You may FEEL safer, but you are not actually any more safe than you were without it because it is not a focused scrutiny. Of course thanks to this Nigerian idiot we're all now subjected to more intense regulation and scrutiny...Apparently because extra regulations have worked so well. The sad fact is we have technology to truly reduce the probability of incidents like these from occurring, but we are all told they are too expensive.

Conservatively, our nation spends hundreds of billions of dollars making places like Afghanistan and Iraq safe, yet we do not have the money available to make our OWN borders safe? One purpose of government is to protect our borders from foreign threats. Do any of us still really think we can fight the war on terror by invading countries? If so, are we going to attack Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, etc. ad nauseam until terror stops?

Random searches are about as useful as random foreign invasions.

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