Monday, November 2, 2009

Bottom up reform

Many Americans have begun wondering, where is the change we voted for? We currently have an electorate controlled by Democrats, and many felt that the change they have dreamed of would happen almost overnight. Some have said, “Well, Rome wasn’t built in a day…” to which I typically respond, “yeah, but didn’t they fed people to lions?”

The problems facing this country are not Democrat vs. Republican, they are simply American. The very nature of our two party political system fosters adversity, and unfortunately that does not serve the best interest of this great country. More politicians need to vote with the conscience of their constituency, rather than the lines as drawn by their party leaders.

The bitter reality is that meaningful change does not happen from the top down. Change simply has to take place at the level of the average citizen. We cannot continue to look to our elected representatives to solve all of our problems; rather we have to work tirelessly to effect the change we desire. Instead of career politicians, we need concerned Americans looking out for their fellow citizens, not their special interests.

We need people who work for a living to get involved in politics. You do your time serving, then you go back to working like the fellow Americans you are serving. Politics should never be a career.

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